Open wounds

When I’d ask folks for reads,
That best represented them,
All I saw was conflict, violence,
A revolution of the same themes,
A relic of the human spirit,
In an ungodly war with itself,
As if that’s what it took,
To finally reveal its true self,
As if they felt themselves,
The most, in perpetual conflict,
As if the chaos consumed them,
Allowing them to feel again,
And here I am denying,
A condition of the human spirit,
Willing myself to write about war,
Without stepping into it,
Not realising that it’s not what,
I’ve to step into as much as,
It is what I’ve to let out,
That slow burning ember,
I remember asking a parent,
What the war felt like,
She looked straight through me,
As she shared hauntingly,
Every day when she wakes up sweating,
And turns over to count the children,
When the silence of the night is pierced,
By the sound of wailing sirens,
“Your wars are just dates, periods in time,
Our wars are tangible, repressed,
Energy, trauma passed down,
From generation to generation,
Our wars are the wrinkles,
On our father’s forehead,
The blisters on our mother’s feet,
Our wars make us feel and then don’t,”
Ensconing us in numbness,
I’m forced to leave this hanging,
For what else is war than,
An open wound left festering

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